
Fulfilled progress and personal growth.

Lab with Gabriela Buchfink.

Do you know those days when you're already running in the morning and you ask yourself in the evening: Can that be it?

Especially when you're in the midst of everyday management, work and family life, you fulfil the demands of many roles in many environments. And if you don't take a break from time to time, you lose sight of what's important. That's why self-management is no longer about managing the calendar as best you can, but about refocussing.

This lab invites you to do just that: To step out of the web of everyday life and look at what really matters to you. And no, you don't need to go to Bali or a monastery to do this: We use a tried and tested path with practical, effective tools and exercises.

You'll find clarity about what's important to you in no time at all and start implementing it during the lab.

Let's shape the world together! I look forward to seeing you.

  • Two weeks of conscious work on what really matters to you
  • Two interactive workshops with self-leadership expert Gabriela
  • A short daily impulse via the Intao App

    Next Sprint:
    July 16, 2024|02:00 pm CEST|in German

Your Benefit

  • You have a clear feeling for yourself (again): Who am I, what is important to me?
  • Motivation and strength to act because your goals have something to do with you again.
  • New inspiration in times of success fatigue, less energy and upheaval.
  • More energy and new ideas for your leadership work.

The Content

  • From hectic to presence - how to (re)activate your inner perception.
  • Using the personality canvas to discover where you are and where you really want to go.
  • Meaningful: Formulate your intention as a personal mission statement.
  • How to connect what is close to your heart with your everyday life: setting coherent goals.
  • What the United Nations Global Development Goals have to do with you.
  • How inner goals help you to achieve outer goals.
  • Step by step, day by day, month by month: self-management routines.
  • The goal star - how to stay on course.

The Process

Labs run over two weeks.
The preparation video is followed by a three-hour workshop where we interactively practice the core aspects. Afterwards, you will receive Sparks over two weeks to integrate what you have learned. At the end, you have the opportunity to reflect on your experience and clarify any final questions in a Follow-up session.

About Gabriela

Gabriela is shaping change as an Agile Program Manager and has been working as a lecturer in self-leadership and management for over 15 years. Her mission: To create spaces where people find their potential and live their contribution to the world. For all those who combine inner change and outer change and have the desire to help shape a future world. To this end, she has developed the Personality Canvas as the basic method for her coaching and training.

Sign up. For Leadership Journey participants.

Are you already registered for the Leadership Journey or did we invite you as one of our partners?
In that case, you can easily sign up below. If you are not a participant of the Leadership Journey yet, please contact us via email.

Start Lab: July 16, 2024|02:00 pm CEST|in German


  • Workshop:
    July 16, 2024 | 02:00 - 05:00 pm CEST
  • Follow-up:
    July 30, 2024 | 02:00 - 03:00 pm CEST

Jennifer Gajdiç