Discover our Impact Calls!

The Impact Calls are monthly recurring formats designed for you
to keep the focus on your development
so that your Leadership Journey becomes a sustainable process not just a quick stop.

Women Leaders

The Call for Women Leaders is a monthly call in which we a) set impulses around the topic of women leadership b) discuss specific challenges and c) expand your network.


Monthly Focus

Monthly call on the last Friday of the month. Make your priorities explicit to ensure that you follow through.



Many leadership questions don’t revolve around knowledge, they only need an examination of the situation. Peer coaching gives you the opportunity to do this.


Discover our Impact Calls!

The Impact Calls are monthly recurring formats designed for you
to keep the focus on your development
so that your Leadership Journey becomes a sustainable process not just a quick stop.

Case by Case

‘Case by Case’ is your chance to learn in a safe yet practical environment: you can apply and deepen the knowledge you have gained from the labs or already have, regardless of whether you already have many years of experience or are just starting out in the world of leadership.


Resilience Check-In

To help you stay mindful and focus on your own balance and self-management, we offer a resilience check-in on the first Friday of every month from 12:30 to 13:15 pm.


Women Leaders

The Call for Women Leaders is a monthly call in which we a) set impulses around the topic of women leadership b) discuss specific challenges and c) expand your network.


Monthly Focus

Monthly call on the last Friday of the month. Make your priorities explicit to ensure that you follow through.



Many leadership questions don’t revolve around knowledge, they only need an examination of the situation. Peer coaching gives you the opportunity to do this.
