Yes, and...
The mindset to succeed
in an ever-changing environment.
Lab with Jeff Thoren and Teresa Malcolm in English.
Lab with Richard Schneider in German.
The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said: “change is the only constant.”
We say: "No kidding! Bring it on!"
In his book, Do Improvise, author Robert Poynton notes that “Improvisation is what life does. Nothing living, from a bacterium to a blue whale, has a script for their life. Somehow or other, every living being copes with untold complexity without a plan, and always has. What improv theatre gives you is a way to get to grips with this.”
In this Lab we'll invite you to consider the possibility that every situation you face and every interaction you have with others is a piece of improv. Life IS improvised and you CAN use the principles of Applied Improvisation to thrive both at home and at work.
- Two weeks focusing on the mindset that says 'Yes' to change
- An interactive workshop and a Q&A session
- A daily impulse via the Intao-app
Next Lab: - November 12, 2024|04:00 pm CET|in English
Your Benefit
- Accept uncertainty and ambiguity as the conditions in which you must live, learn and work.
- Adapt to circumstances beyond your control and respond with grace and confidence under even the most taxing circumstances.
- Apply the guiding philosophy of "Yes, And" to enhance your ability to live, lead, and collaborate effectively with others in service of a shared purpose.
- Develop stronger relationships that support and enable innovation, teamwork, and excellent interpersonal communication.
The Method
Applied Improvisation is the adaptation of improvisational theater principles and training techniques to improve responsiveness, communication, adaptability, and teamwork. Applied Improvisation (Improv for short) emphasizes cooperation between “scene members” instead of competition, a skill set that is increasingly important in an increasingly team-based workplace. It is both a process and a tool that involves fluency, spontaneity, unattachment, outward focus, listening, and the use of “mis-takes.” Improv skills take practice to master, however, the best part is that the practice is FUN!
“Yes, And…” Two simple and powerful words. In application, these two words are foundational to collaborative teamwork, creativity, and innovation. “Yes, And…” are words that you already know and are intuitive to apply. “Yes” tells the person speaking that you are listening and that you are suspending judgment. “And” shows you are contributing and that you will help to move the conversation forward. A commitment to “Yes, And…” is the basis of all improvisation as well as developing positive and productive relationships.
“Yes, And…” does not mean submission or blind agreement. It is about managing resistance, ego, or worries. With “Yes, And…” you don’t have to act on every idea offered, but you do have to give every idea a chance to be acted on. This simple idea has amazing power and potency to improve interpersonal communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution.
Terri is a wife and mother and a Peloton enthusiast.
She is the Founder and CEO of Master Physician Leaders, a coaching firm committed to cultivating inclusivity, compassion, and excellence throughout every chapter of one’s leadership story.
Jeff is a husband, father, cat parent, and avid road cyclist who values uniqueness, lightheartedness, and wholeness. He is currently one of only five veterinarians in the world who also hold a credential from the International Coaching Federation (PCC).
Richard is a speech educator and lawyer and has been working with people in companies for around 25 years improving their collaboration. He is a sparring partner for strong personal performance and successful communication, works as a coach for personal development and accompanies teams on their way to success. His motto "Everything I need is in my partner" guides him not only on stage in improvisational theatre, but also in his role as a consultant.
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Start Lab: November 12 , 2024|04:00 pm CET|in English
- Workshop:
November 12, 2024|04:00 - 07:00 pm CET - Follow-up:
November 26, 2024|05:00 - 06:00 pm CET
Registration closed!