Karen Bartnik.
Karen is a passionate mentor and role model for female leadership.
She has spent over 25 years in leadership positions with market leading global players in the consumer goods industry. About herself she says:
My profession for over 30 years was Supply Chain Management, with all its challenges along the supply chain and as a woman in senior leadership positions in a mainly male-dominated environment.
My passion has always been with people and especially with women. I have never seen my role only as a business leader, but also as a talent developer and potential promoter.
Now she is going new ways with Intao to focus on "Impact, Passion & Purpose".
With her energetic personality she wants to contribute to people feeling empowered, inspired and motivated on their own path to greater impact and success.
As a mentor and leadership enthusiast, it is important to her that people enjoy leading and growing into leadership roles, so that even inexperienced leaders can develop an authentic leadership footprint in which personal values and corporate goals are in balance.
In the Intao Leadership Journey, Karen is responsible for the monthly Women Leaders Call, where she aims to set impulses around the topic of "Women Leadership". For all women who want to create and who want to have an impact.

For the Leadership Journey Karen has designed the Impact Call 'Women Leaders'.