
The Key to Everything.

Lab with Alain van Gils.

When people complain that ‘we just aren’t communicating,’ they all too often think the issue is with their speaking. And thus they take courses and read books and practice their speaking skills with the intent of becoming a better communicator.

What most miss is that where the communication breakdowns typically occur is in the listening, not the speaking. To put it simply, we don’t know how to listen. We can hear, but listening is a different matter and in learning to actually listen you can open the door to new worlds of possibility.

We are going to do a deep dive into the intricacies and practices of authentic listening!

Your Benefit

  • Understand what it takes to actually listen to someone, which enables you to better communicate.
  • Authentic Listening builds trust.
  • You can’t lead if you don’t know how to listen.
  • Amaze your friends and family with your new capacity to understand them.

The Content

  • What is listening - the difference between hearing and listening
  • What shapes our listening - why is is so difficult to really ‘get’ each other
  • The basic linguistic moves - what are we listening for.
  • Common breakdowns that get in the way of effective listening
  • Practice some new ‘listening’ skills

The Process

Labs run two weeks. The preparation video is followed by a three-hour workshop where we interactively practice the core aspects. Afterwards, you will receive Sparks over two weeks to integrate what you have learned. At the end, you have the opportunity to reflect on your experiences and clarify any final questions in a follow-up session.

About Alain

Alain is not only an inspiring artist, he has also worked for 20 years as a coach and trainer for executives in medium-sized businesses and international corporations. As co-founder of Intao, he is responsible for accompanying the clients where Intao contributes to more sustainability in large change projects.

Sign up. For Leadership Journey participants.

Are you already registered for the Leadership Journey or did we invite you as one of our partners?
In that case, you can easily sign up below. If you are not a participant of the Leadership Journey yet, please contact us via email.

Start Lab: July 9, 2024|01:00 pm CEST|in English


  • Workshop:
    July 9, 2024|01:00 - 04:00 pm CEST
  • Follow-up:
    July 23, 2024|01:00 - 02:00 pm CEST

Registration closed!

Jennifer Gajdiç