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The Leadership Journey Calendar.

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03jan12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

08jan13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

14jan09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

16jan15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

23jan(jan 23)14:0006feb(feb 6)15:00🇬🇧 C.O.R.E.: Creating psychological safety (Lab)The core of high-performance and highly developed teams (in English)

31jan12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


05feb(feb 5)10:0019(feb 19)11:00🇬🇧 The Empathy Edge! Social Intelligence in action (Lab)Navigating and shaping relationships (in English)

07feb12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

11feb09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

11feb(feb 11)13:0025(feb 25)14:00🇩🇪 Leadership: Getting Started (Lab)Explore what leadership really is (in German)

12feb13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

20feb(feb 20)09:0006mar(mar 6)10:00🇩🇪 Change made easy (Lab)Removing the enemies of learning (in German)

20feb15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

28feb12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


06mar(mar 6)13:0020(mar 20)14:00🇩🇪 Own Your Time (Lab)Discover the secrets of effective time management (in German)

07mar12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

11mar09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

12mar13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

13mar(mar 13)09:0027(mar 27)10:00🇬🇧 Mental fitness: Stop your inner saboteurs (Lab)Unlock your full potential with Mental Fitness (in Englisch)

18mar01apr🇬🇧 Storytelling (Lab)Create stories that stick (in English)

20mar15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

28mar12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


02apr(apr 2)10:0016(apr 16)11:00🇬🇧 Mental Fitness & Mindfulness (Lab)Harness the power of the here and now (In English)

04apr12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

08apr09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

08apr(apr 8)13:0015(apr 15)14:00🇩🇪 The Power of Delegation (Lab)Create space and empower your team (in German)

09apr13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

17apr15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

25apr12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


02may12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

13may09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

14may13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

15may15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

30may12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


06jun12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

10jun09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

11jun13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

19jun15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

27jun12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


04jul12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

08jul09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

09jul13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

17jul15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

25jul12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


01aug12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

12aug09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

13aug13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

21aug15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

29aug12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


05sep12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

09sep09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

10sep13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

18sep15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

26sep12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


03oct12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

08oct13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

14oct09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

16oct15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

31oct12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


07nov12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

11nov09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

12nov13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

20nov15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

28nov12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


05dec12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

09dec09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

10dec13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

18dec15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

26dec12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)


02jan12:3014:00🇩🇪 Resilience Check-InYour rhythm for self-empowerment (in German)

13jan09:0010:30🇬🇧 Women LeadersHow each of us can maximise our effectiveness (in English)

14jan13:0014:00🇩🇪 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in German)

15jan15:0015:00🇬🇧 Peer-CoachingFor your own questions (in English)

30jan12:3013:20🇬🇧 Monthly FocusFor clear priorities (in English)

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