Susanne Neunes.

My name is Susanne Neunes and I design change. As an organisational developer, I support companies in positioning themselves for the future. I have more than 20 years of experience in working with people in different contexts.

Working with people at different hierarchical levels, I realised more and more - in the midst of digital transformation efforts - that it takes more than just providing people with new tools and methods. If a company wants to survive in the market, it needs people who get involved and shape things. It needs people as a whole and it needs the right framework conditions to make it possible.

But ‘just’ talking about it wasn't enough for me. I was attracted by doing things together with people. I started organising workshops that combine theory with practice. These experience-orientated workshops create a framework for amazing results and new possibilities.

In my hypnosystemic training I learnt about Effectuation - the principles of entrepreneurship - and immediately fell in love with it. Effectuation principles such as means-orientation, affordable loss and the use of chance support me every day, not only in the world of work, but in my entire life. I use the ‘Marketplace of Makers’, ‘Entrepreneurial Cooking’ and the ‘3D Worlds’ to bring the principles of effectuation to life.

In addition to the experience-orientated formats mentioned above, I also use coaching and supervision to facilitate sustainable and practical change.

For the Leadership Journey Susanne has designed the Lab 'Effectuation'.

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Jennifer Gajdiç