Impact Call

Women Leaders
Authentic leadership.

Women Leadership in practice.

Monthly Call with Karen Bartnik

You have started your Leadership Journey and embraced the challenge, to be all you can be!

Women tend to lead differently but are not always sure if their style is welcome. It is not always easy to dare and show yourself. Especially not when we are still working in a male-oriented organisation.

You are determined not to hold back... You want to shape the future?!
You want to leave your leadership footprint... You want to lead authentically?!

Use the community of Intao Women Leaders to empower yourself and others, so that we can joyfully show up as the strong women we are.

The Women Leaders Call is a space where you can ask questions, try things out, motivate others and find inspiration to become powerfully and authentically visible in your leadership role.

The call takes place every second Tuesday of the month from 09:00 - 10:30 in English.
There are short impulses on topics related to women leadership, the opportunity to discuss personal challenges in the community and to enrich your network with great women.

Find inspiration and support in the Women Leaders Community. Surround yourself with women who will help you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

About Karen

Karen is a mentor & role model for female leadership. In over 25 years in leadership positions with market-leading global players in the consumer goods industry, she has gained a lot of experience in the area of leadership. Authentic and joyful leadership is her passion, and she is particularly excited to support the Women Leaders at Intao.

Sign up. For Leadership Journey participants.

Are you already registered for the Leadership Journey or did we invite you as one of our partners? In that case, you can easily sign up below. If you are not a participant of the Leadership Journey yet, please contact us via email.

Women Leaders: Every second Tuesday of the month|09:00 amin English

Monthly Call

To participate, you only need to register once. Registration for each individual appointment is not necessary.

Every second Tuesday of the month: 09:00 - 10:30 am

Kathrin Kroenig